Wednesday 16 October 2013

The Dark Story behind Disney classics

This post is going to be a little dark, filled with the original stories Disney so kindly manipulated into a happily ever after. So if you don't want your sweet  innocent view on the world changed i would leave the page now.

The Little Mermaid

In the Original story the little mermaid gets her fish tail split in half by the evil witch, so when she drags herself onto land she immediately starts to bleed all  over the place. Prince Eric finding this hilarious gets her to dance for him and all she can do is put on a good face for him even though she is in agonizing place. And after putting her through that he wonders off to marry some other princess, but if he does that Ariel will turn to foam. So the witch gives her another choice, she gives her a knife and tells her to stab the prince to death and in return she will let her live, but being the romantic she is Ariel chooses to put her faith in love and she returns to the sea and turns to froth.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Even the Disney version of this story is depressing, but the original just makes me suicidal. As per the Disney movie Lord Frollo, Quasimodo, and Captain Phoebus are all in love with Esmerelda. But in the original story Esmerelda is actually married to a man called Pierre Gringoire, a poor street poet, who was about to be killed and who she married to save him. Phoebus is quickly out of the picture when Frollo tries to kill him out of jealousy of the affection he shows Esmerelda. But Lord Frollo frames her for it, she is sentenced to death and hung from the gallows outside of Notre Dame. And whilst watching the hanging Frollo laughs making Quasimodo even more pissed off. So much so that Quasimodo ends up pushing  Frollo from the heights of Notre Dame and watches him fall to a to the ground. Quasimodo then returns to Esmereldas grave and lies with her dead corps untill he starves to death still wrapped around her. I told you it was Depressing...


This is a complicated one because Pocahontas is not a mythical story but it actually happened. Pocahontas was not in fact a woman but a young girl when she met john smith, and its true she did save his life by resting her head on his when her father was about to kill him. But she was later taken captive by the English and was held prisoner in small town in America for over a year in which time she converted to Christianity and changed her name to Rebecca.Good old John Rolf came along and made a deal to release her if she married him, at the young age of 17 she had a husband and a child who they named Thomas. But things got better as she was taken to England as an example of  'The perfect Indian' and became quite the celebrity. Sadly the new world was full of disease her body couldn't cope with, she ended up dying at the age of 21.

Well on that depressing note with my childhood officially ruined, I hope you guys can still enjoy the movies... Because I sure as hell cant. 

See ya soon,

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