Monday 21 October 2013

Scary movies to watch on Halloween

Halloween is coming up soon so I decided to make a list of movies for the brave of heart and the strong minded of you to watch on none other than October 31st.....

The Omen

A classic. Although this movie was made a while ago, I would still class it as one of my favorites horror films of all time. Similarly to the exorcist it is mainly centered around a child, called Damien,  who just so happens to be the son of Satan. All of a sudden strange things start happening around the house he lives in, murders, suicides and some even more disturbing things. However they have made a 2006 remake of the movie, and as I have not seen it and cannot recommend it (it does look good though). Feel free to tell me about it in the comments if you have seen it. 

Paranormal activity

 Yeah, yeah I know. This movie wasn't exactly a genius, thought out, vast expense masterpiece. I could probably have filmed it in my cellar. But you have to admit it, this movie gives you chills. And even though I have seen it a thousand times, every time the lights go off and the night camera begins I cant help but hide my face in my hands and glance through the gaps. But seriously check it out, its a fun movie to watch with friends.

The Ring

This movie has some really creepy moments so unless you are tough I wouldn't advise watching it. It is about a young girl called Samara and the journey you take to find out the tragic truth about her past. It is incredibly well done and although there one or two gruesome moments, the movie in general is mostly based on chills. I would definitely not recommend watching this movie alone, as after I watched it I refused to pick up the telephone for several days.


DO NOT WATCH THIS! To be honest I don't know why I'm even recommending this movie at all. Although there are some disgusting moments in this movie, I was surprise to find out that it is not all gore and guts. It does however seriously mess with your head, I couldn't sleep for weeks. Even now when I was looking for pictures to put in this post I couldn't find anything that wasn't absolutely terrifying so I just put in this cute lil' picture to not freak out any innocent or faint of heart.

So if you are like me and too old to go trick or treating (or maybe you are even more like me and you go anyway)  you can sit back with a bowl of popcorn this Halloween and let all these movies soak in and ruin your life.

See ya soon,

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