Sunday 6 October 2013

Being Part of the Story

 So today I want to talk about how caught up I get in stories sometimes. And it doesn't just have to be stories from books, I'm talking about movies, video games, songs, even folk stories you talk about around a camp fire... OK who am I kidding, I don't get out enough to spend time around campfires. But the point is when I fall in love with a story, I cant help but keep part of that story in my heart forever. God I sound so cheesy...

Fan art by Nanamon

Harry Potter- I'm sure anyone who's read  the books has felt the same way. Like as soon as you close the book, someone is just going to apparate into your bedroom and tell you that you were finally ready to join the wizarding world. And that you even had a place already reserved at Hogwarts, and a warm bed waiting for you there. I actually expected a letter to come for me when I was about to enter year 7, but no such luck. I ended up going to a super religious school, full of racists and homophobes. Oh well, on the bright side their is now a Harry Potter world where I plan  on residing until I am a very old Lady.

Fan art by Bisparulz
The Last of Us- Such a gorgeous story, and even though it is set in a Zombie infested world I really wanted to be part of the Fireflies. And before you all get mad at me and say that the Fireflies tried to kill Ellie (...which they kind of did), they were only doing what was right for the greater good. But that's not the point. I really liked what they stood for, and the name Fireflies is awesome! So If there is ever a zombie apocalypse, you'll always be able to find me with the rebels. 
 Haha, I just realized how nerdy and confusing this sounds to anyone who hasn't played the game!

Fan art by Jozzlyn
Wolf Brother- This book never got the attention I think it deserved, I loved this series and if you haven't read the books I would definitely recommend them. They are set in a similar to native American kind of world, with clans and spirits. And a boy named Torak finds out he can communicate with this wolf called.... Wolf. Creative name I know. Anyway Torak runs into trouble when he meets the other clans and they start asking questions about why he is alone and not with his clan. Then some other stuff happens, and then there is a demon bear and he gets a girlfriend... Just read it already its hard to explain. But when I read that book I really wanted to be in one of the clans (they are all named after animals eg. Raven clan, Red Deer clan). I wanted to be in Wolf clan, I would probably end up being called something like MoonMoon though. <<High five if you get the reference. :)
Fan art by Lady-Tori(Her pictures are so cute check her out guys)

Anyways I've always wanted to become part of the stories, live and experience them. It would be great, But then I guess if you completely became part of one story, you wouldn't be able to even read or watch the others. So I am happy where I am, free to be part of all the stories in the world. 
See ya soon

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