Tuesday 29 October 2013

Halloween Games

I am so running out of ideas of what to wrote about for Halloween, but today I had a stroke of genius and decided to write about different games you can play on Halloween, so have fun I guess. Side note: these will probably be more enjoyable if you are playing them with friends... because some of these are quite sad to play on your own.

Bloody Mary
Possibly the best and most classic (maybe even a little cheesy) Halloween/Horror game. It involves going into a room with a mirror and facing it, switching the lights off, and repeating bloody Mary three times over. Then when you switch the lights back on she is supposed to appear behind you staring at you in the mirror. I think I tried it once, but it never really worked, not that I really wanted it to. I definitely don't recommend playing this game alone, it will scare the living Jesus out of you

Hide and Seek in the Dark
I know this sounds a little pathetic, kind of like a kiddy game, but that's what makes it so fun. Feeling like a child, remembering how exiting it used to be running around in the dark and that squeal when the seeker finds you. And if you're older to add an extra piece of excitement to it try Hide and seek in the dark when you're drunk.

Apple Bobbing
This game is pretty straight forward, you put some apples into a large bowl, or a bucket, or a box and fill it with water. Then blindfold yourself and tie your hands behind your back, its pretty simple after that just stick your head in the water and see if you can get any apples. I wouldn't exactly call it scary, it really isn't... But it is fun and that's whats important.

Short list of games I know butt I honestly cant think of many more except maybe who can eat the most candy before they throw up... then again that one isn't so fun. 

See ya soon,

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